Monday, April 27, 2009


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A little more about me

I am full of contradictions. I have had a slew of different jobs ranging from lifeguard to baseball stadium concessions to clerk in a law firm to manufacturing tractor trailer trucks to gasoline mechanic to diesel mechanic. I have enjoyed a host of different hobbies some of the more serious being cycling, fly tying, photography, and most recently ballroom dancing. Those hobbies lead me to a much different group of people than the normal crew of blue collar guys that I work with everyday. I am not saying that I am any better than them though. I get dirtier than most of them during a honest days work. The people that I meet cycling mostly fit the stereotype of doctors, lawyers, CEOs, and others not exactly hurting for money but I get out there with my comparatively cheap gear and fit right in. The quintessential fly fisher is well off in the pocketbook, is better than you or I and knows it. Let me go ahead and state that I don't have any extra money to throw around and I am not going to say that I am better than anyone. So how did I get into fly fishing and fly tying? I don't know. I asked for and recieved a fly rod one Christmas and through the years have picked it up and put it down until recently when I started tying my own flies and it kept my interest. Photography has been the all consuming hobby of mine. Another Christmas present, my Nikon D40x and the bag of accessories that I have collected go with me almost everywhere recently. With the advent of affordable digital photography there is the stereotype. Almost everyone has a camera now. Not every diesel mechanic is serious about it like I am though. My wife and I have started taking ballroom dance lessons recently. Wow, talk about a rabbit hole. This could get deep. It started with a free lesson. Then a set of introductory lessons. Now we are in a type of intermediate lessons. I don't think there is an end to it. It's just a matter of how good do you want to be. I want to be pretty decent. Now that I have finished with that ramble let me ask you a question. How many cycling, fly-tying, ballroom dancing, amateur photographer diesel mechanics do you know? 1?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A little bit about me

I am a diesel mechanic that works on school buses for my paycheck. For fun I enjoy photography, fly fishing & fly tying, hiking, camping, mountain biking(nothing crazy) and sad but true spending too much time on the internet.